

Wave, a piece for 17 dancers commissioned by Schillerska College will take place in Theatre Atalante in Gothenburg, april 2013.

With support from Kulturrådet and the City of Göteborg, Mireille Leblanc and Åke Parmerud will collaborate in the new creation Metamorphos that will be premiered in Gothenburg at theatre Atalante in may 2013. This new piece involves various forms of interactive dance/video/sound elements as a continuum of the research that they initiated with the dance company Det Sjunde Sinnet (The Seventh Sense).

In december 2012 Mireille Leblanc started, in collaboration with circus artists based in Gothenburg the new circus/dance group Cirkumstanza. A new creation is planned in Gothenburg for the autumn 2013.

In September 2012 Mireille Leblanc and Ake Parmerud created Shadow Place, a new interactive dance/video/sound installation for the Center for Art and Media ZKM. The premier was performed the 24th november 2012 in Karlsruhe, Germany.

Mireille Leblanc was invited to create in collaboration with the composer and media artist Åke Parmerud, a dance performance for 9 dancers. Dreams of Time is an interactive dance/video/sound creation commissioned by Centro de las Artes, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. The piece has been presented in Teatro de la Paz in San Luis Potosi 18th may 2012. The piece has been well received by both audience and critics.

The pieceThe Seventh Sense that involved various forms of interactive dance/video/sound elements, created in collaboration with Åke Parmerud was awarded the Walter Fink International Award from ZKM Center for Art and Media in Germany in september 2011.

In december 2011 Mireille worked as mentor, theatrical coach and rehearsal mistress in Gilda Stillbäcks project Scented Letters which was presented at Atalante in Göteborg.